The Secrets Of Getting Healthy And Fuller Eyelashes

By Casey Barton

It is the nature of the woman to look beautiful and continuously keep their skin beautiful. This does not end there, the eyelashes are equally importance. Full and healthy eyelashes are known to be eye catching and many women are very conscious and the trends are focus on the celebrity look. Taking care of face and more particularly the eyes has come of age and seen to improve personal grooming and self esteem.

Several years ago, eyelashes enhancement were the preserve of the Hollywood actresses and that is how some of them used to captivate their audiences and admirers as well. When you mention the names of Bettie Davis, Jean Harlow and Joan Crawford, what come to mind are their eye enhancements and since then, the trends have changed from false lashes to use of mascara.

Getting full and healthy eyelashes does not require any special skills; all you need to get a unique extension is to get a reputable and certified specialist to give you a personalized lashes makeover. With the current trends, eyelash extensions are taking over from the traditional mascara. A good facial artist will be able to give you that natural contour look and the final product will match your skin type and personality.

On the other hand, there are some beauty conscious women who prefer the serum or the eyelashes fortifier. This is the kind of formula that incorporates peptides which make your eyelash appear thicker, longer and healthy. The resulting look depends on the ingredients used during the serum construction.

Vitamins, panthenol, japonica leaf extracts, selected natural botanicals, zinc, antioxidants; amino acids, castor oil, biotin, cold pressed oils and glycerin are some of the most popular ingredients used in serums and fortifiers with proven efficacy on the improvement of eyelashes health. You do not have to know all these ingredients since your licensed skin artist will be able to advice you on what is best for your skin and personality.

The best thing about the fortifier and serum ingredients, they transform your eyelashes through conditioning for the healthy and fuller look while improving your personality. Taking care of your lashes makes you avoid loosing any of the lashes. Remember any los lashed takes more that eight weeks for them to grow back. Lashes are cheap to maintain and the minimal cost should not make you neglect them.

According to most reviews, users agree that these fortifier and serum formulas make eyelashes longer, strong and healthy after only four weeks since commencement of application. This significant improvement is a clear indication of the products efficacy. On the other hand, products that contain ophthalmic solution are known to stimulate lash growth as well as making them appear full and darker.  

In order to ensure that you maintain your beauty, you need to avoid rubbing your eyes unnecessarily and ensure you clean your mascara every day before going to bed. Similarly, periodically change your mascara as often as possible to avoid bacteria that caused acne on your face as a way of getting healthier and fuller eyelashes.

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