How To Get Bigger Arms Without Steroids

By Russ Howe

If you're a guy who is regularly hitting the gym then chances are you'd like to know how to get bigger arms.

In fact for many men, shirt-ripping biceps and triceps are the sole reason they hit the weights room on a regular basis.

But the situation is clouded by the never ending confusion and myths in the health and fitness industry.

For instance, despite the stellar results achieved in bodybuilding's so-called golden era of the 1970's, you are now led to believe that you cannot achieve a great body without the use of various bodybuilding supplements, pills and potions along the way - all of which cost more than your weekly shopping budget!

Then you'll have the uneducated gym members who happen to have trained for longer than you, suddenly wanting to give you unsolicited advice on what you should be doing, most of which directly contradicts what everybody else is saying. And finally you have those who claim that you need outside interference - i.e. the use of anabolic steroids.

None of this is true.

Despite the confusion and contradicting advice which causes such problems, there is rock hard scientifically proven data out there showing how to do this. It's just that most people are unable to find it, buried deep beneath a sea of misinformation.

Today you're going to see for yourself.

A Norwegian team of medical researchers spent 11 weeks looking into the theory that hitting your lower body with a workout could spark a growth hormone release big enough to force the upper body to also grow.

Training your legs is a certain way to spark upper body growth, according to many gym goers..

But somewhat surprisingly, the researchers discovered that the testosterone spike produced from heavy squats and deadlifts was nowhere near long lasting enough to provide the full body effects people often talk about. However, they did stumble across another very useful tactic.

Despite the fact that the hormone spike was too short-lived to create the full body benefits you hear of in many gyms, it is possible to train a small muscle group immediately following a leg workout and yield great results.

With optimal enzymes and hormones released for a period of 45 minutes, this was ample time to hit a small muscle group and monitor the results.

To test their theory, they had a group hit their left arm alone and their right arm following a leg workout over a period of three months. The results were concrete.

Following the completion of the eleven week course, the right arm of the subjects had packed on significantly more muscle mass.

So while training your legs is not 100% necessary to building bigger arms, it certainly helps! The trick is to utilize that spike in testosterone and growth hormone to your own advantage. The scientists concluded that any minor muscle group could be used in place of biceps, too.

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