Two Easy Steps To Improving Posture From A Geneva IL Pediatric Chiropractor

By Andre Ferlo

When properly maintained, the human body is designed to operate like a well oiled machine. To be in top condition means that one has correct posture and alignment, attends regular check ups, and takes steps to achieve optimal health. A Geneva chiropractor can not only help with one's pain management, nutritional guidance, and stress relief, they can also attend any postural issues.

Your central nervous system (CNS) includes both the brain and the spinal cord. Messages are sent from the brain through the nerves that run from the spinal cord to destinations throughout the body. You are able to move about when the minds intention is translated to cause chemical and electrical impulses.

A unique orchestration known as the mind-body-spirit connection results from the brain neuromatrix, which is a complex interaction. This is how spinal cord and brain work in tandem to create what is essentially the human version of a super computer.

Correct posture is imperative to the human operations system being optimized. Proper vertebral alignment is crucial since the vertebrae that make up the spine are what protects the spinal cord that is the instrument by which one's brain communicates with the whole body.

Maintenance begins with a complete professional chiropractic assessment. Chiropractors have multiple methods to pinpoint exactly where any issues may lie and the means to formulate an individualized approach to correct them so that the patient will be able to regain and strengthen their posture.

For this step you will need full length front back and side pictures of your body. Print the pictures off (one to a page). Place a dot on your ankle on the side view. Place a dot between your feet on the front and back poses. These dots should align with the middle of your head if your posture is suitable.

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