What Is A Shamanic Yoga California?

By Eric Reed

This group was formed when churches realised that although they had members coming to church, and attending services and church functions, no real transformation was seen to be happening amongst the congregation, who even though staunch and committed Christians, never really lived the gospel as it was meant to be lived. Getting the message through to the people is now up to a spiritual transformation group whose life s work is to make this happen even through shamanic yoga California.

Previous generations had their church, their faith, and their community to belong to and depend on for fellowship and connecting to others. With the change that has taken place in communities now, many people don t know their neighbours, don t want to know their neighbours, as their lives are too busy, they are too involved in chasing the money, getting ahead, rising in their careers, in social media, the latest technology, which keeps the disconnect going.

This cocooning of people, each in their own world, predicted in the 60 s by a famous pop culturist of the time, has scattered families far and wide, far from their original communities, from their faith, and now churches have to make God popular again. Religion is so far down the list of people s priorities, that it has left many broken, and downtrodden, angry and disillusioned, searching to fill the void, the hole in their lives.

People need a faith, a goal to live towards, hope for a future, to know that there is a God, who loves them just as they are for themselves, but wants them to make the most of their lives, use the talents he has given them, enrich their lives with joy, so they can enrich others with the love of God.

Dealing with an individual, building a relationship in fellowship both walking the journey to transformation, and encouraging and helping the member achieves so much more than the sermon preached, as although the sermon might have meaning for the member, once out of the church, life happens again, until the next church meeting. And no actual change has taken place.

The daily grind of life, the dreams not realised, the state of the economy, the intolerableness of seeing the same job, food, clothing, people day in and day out, all the rush of time, with no time to sit and reflect on life, no time to read, to take yourself off to a quiet spot to reflect on life. Where you can hear God speak to you and bless you.

The group takes into account that we are all individuals, who have arrived at transformation fully formed by what our environment and upbringing, our thoughts, experiences and exposure to the world has made of us, so no one is judged, as we are all human, and fallible. If we did not make mistakes we would not be human but robots.

Physically we take care of ourselves to live, Mentally, we bombard our minds with more and more information, our Spiritual life we need to take care of by joining a spiritual transformation group to be the best of ourselves that we can be with this group.

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