Dealing With Anxiety And Reducing Its Complications Via San Diego Rolfing Therapy

By Kevin Gray

Experts admit that approximately 40 million adult individuals residing in the US are currently suffering from anxiety. A form of mental disorder, it tends to come with a variety of psychological and physical symptoms, most of which can be incapacitating. All kinds of serious medical conditions may also show up one day because of it. Due to these reasons, putting anxiety under control is of utmost importance. Individuals who prefer to face the problem drug-free may opt for regular San Diego rolfing therapy.

Feeling anxious every now and then is a perfectly normal human being response, and no one is impervious to it. Actually, it is regarded as something essential for you to be able to live a very long life. You can thank anxiety for persuading you to look both ways carefully before you cross a really busy street.

However, it's for certain that something is wrong if anxious thoughts are around most of your waking hours and even in your sleep at times. This is something that can keep you from carrying out everyday tasks and also enjoying your life. If you are constantly having terrifying thoughts, it's likely that you are already suffering from anxiety. Statistics say that it is one of the most common forms of mental illness on the planet.

There are various mental symptoms that tend to accompany a bout of anxiety. For instance, it's not unlikely for you to have insomnia nightly. Having poor memory and experiencing mood swings are very much possible, too. You may also have a sense of impending doom, or feel like you are about to go crazy.

The presence of lots of anxious thoughts can give rise to numerous physical symptoms. Most of them are notorious for causing even more anxiety. Some common examples are chest pain, shortness of breath, a rapid heart rate, fatigue, dizziness and nausea.

Encountering severe anxiety attacks all the time can actually be very stressful to the body. It's for this reason exactly why there is a possibility for all kinds of health-related problems to come into being one day. Being anxious all the time is comparable to having lots of stress perpetually, which is known to pave the way for a host of medical conditions.

A person with the mental disorder may wake up one day with heart disease as a result of elevated blood pressure and also increased bad cholesterol that being constantly stressed can bring. Anxiety can cause muscle tension, which can then lead to the appearance of long-term pain. It's also possible for the person to end up having another form of mental disorder sooner or later, and that's none other than depression.

Mental health experts confirm that anxiety is highly manageable. This can be attained by means of taking certain medications, although going for a drug-free method is also a possibility. Having rolfing massages on a regular basis is an all-natural solution available. It's not just effective for lowering anxiety, but also keeping at bay serious complications associated with the mental illness.

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