The Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas belongs to the category of what are referred to as Louis Vuitton classic best sellers, other products in that category being the likes of the Louis Vuitton Galliera, and the Louis Vuitton monogram range. After having used it for quite a while now, the Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas is one product I have come to be deeply enchanted with.
One thing has to agree with after seeing the Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas (and the elegance it exudes) is that it is just the type of bag for an office or professional setting; though it wouldn't be absolutely out of place in the more casual settings either. One needs only to look at the interior of the LV Damier Canvas; while also noting its relative weight when empty, to appreciate that this is obviously a pure-leather based handbag. Thankfully, though, this is not the rough type of leather that can be a pain to carry for some of us (or the variety that is so rough as to be brittle) - but rather quite soft and elastic leather that is easy on the carrier.
Indeed, in this respect, as some long-time handbag users will concur, the LV Damier Canvas provides something we have always yearned for, and which we though we could never quite get: namely a real leather handbag that would also be soft and elastic. Softness and elasticity, as we know them, are qualities we have always associated with the synthetic material based handbags, but in Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas, we find them in a real leather handbag.
I have to admit that I underestimate Louis Vuitton's determination to conquer every aspects of human life with its products. This time, the prestigious fashion house has extended its hands to sport, which is traditionally opposite to fashion. But even on the unfamiliar territory, LV still spares no effort on creating a classic and exquisite style full of sense of history. So, the fierce and vulgar football and basketball are ruled out. The Ptanque, a popular sport in the south of France is just the one.
As a signature that what you have is a genuine Louis Vuitton product, each Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas - as I was made to understand - comes with a serial number inside. You just open the handbag, even as you go about shopping for it, and right inside there, the first thing you come across is the serial number clearly emblazoned in some cute script.
The button-work and other 'hardware' bits on bag are made from brass. What is notable though, with regard to this brass hardware on LV Damier Canvas is that it is ultra-coated, a feature that sees it not lose its luster as you continue using the bag, and with the passage of time.
This is an attractive feature to those of us who have noticed that if there is one thing responsible for ladies writing off handbags that are in otherwise great condition, it has to be the loss of sheen on the hardware, which can make an otherwise superb handbag look rather old, drab and over-used.
One thing has to agree with after seeing the Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas (and the elegance it exudes) is that it is just the type of bag for an office or professional setting; though it wouldn't be absolutely out of place in the more casual settings either. One needs only to look at the interior of the LV Damier Canvas; while also noting its relative weight when empty, to appreciate that this is obviously a pure-leather based handbag. Thankfully, though, this is not the rough type of leather that can be a pain to carry for some of us (or the variety that is so rough as to be brittle) - but rather quite soft and elastic leather that is easy on the carrier.
Indeed, in this respect, as some long-time handbag users will concur, the LV Damier Canvas provides something we have always yearned for, and which we though we could never quite get: namely a real leather handbag that would also be soft and elastic. Softness and elasticity, as we know them, are qualities we have always associated with the synthetic material based handbags, but in Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas, we find them in a real leather handbag.
I have to admit that I underestimate Louis Vuitton's determination to conquer every aspects of human life with its products. This time, the prestigious fashion house has extended its hands to sport, which is traditionally opposite to fashion. But even on the unfamiliar territory, LV still spares no effort on creating a classic and exquisite style full of sense of history. So, the fierce and vulgar football and basketball are ruled out. The Ptanque, a popular sport in the south of France is just the one.
As a signature that what you have is a genuine Louis Vuitton product, each Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas - as I was made to understand - comes with a serial number inside. You just open the handbag, even as you go about shopping for it, and right inside there, the first thing you come across is the serial number clearly emblazoned in some cute script.
The button-work and other 'hardware' bits on bag are made from brass. What is notable though, with regard to this brass hardware on LV Damier Canvas is that it is ultra-coated, a feature that sees it not lose its luster as you continue using the bag, and with the passage of time.
This is an attractive feature to those of us who have noticed that if there is one thing responsible for ladies writing off handbags that are in otherwise great condition, it has to be the loss of sheen on the hardware, which can make an otherwise superb handbag look rather old, drab and over-used.
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