3 Simple Ectomorph Bodybuilding Exercises You Really Should Focus On

By James Kupe

Having bodybuilding success if you have an ectomorph body can be a real struggle if you don't have the right knowledge. Chances are that if you are reading this article, you are here because you not seeing the kind of results you'd like to see at the gym. We're going to start to fix that problem right now.

You already know you have a disadvantage when compared to all of your gym buddies, but what can you do to overcome your body type? The first step is to start eating more often; ectomorphs should get about 3,500 calories per day. Only visit the gym for one hour about three days per week, but increase your workout intensity until you are completely wiped out by the end of the one hour session.

These two changes alone could solve all of your problems. The thing is, the type of exercise you are doing could also be a problem. Are you exercising your muscles in isolation, or are you working groups of muscles all at once when you work out? Since you only have one hour to work out, isolation exercises are no longer going to be enough. You'll have to start focusing on doing compound exercises instead. These will require you to use several muscles at once every time you do a workout, and these 3 exercises will improve the results you are getting from your bodybuilding.

Exercise #1 - The Hammer Curl (Arms)

This exercise is great for building your biceps and forearms. The starting position is feet shoulder-width apart, body relaxed and your back straight. With your arms lying at your side, hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing the body. Either alternatively or simultaneously, and without moving the position of your wrists, lift the dumbbells until they touch your shoulders. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly lower your arms to your starting position.

Exercise #2 - Deadlift (Good For Multiple Areas)

The deadlift is very good for the hamstrings, quads, core and glutes. Start by standing in front of a dumbbell that is lying on its side. Extend your arms as you bend your knees while holding your back straight. Kneel down to pick up the end of the weight and then stand again while gripping the dumbbell. Hold that position, contract your muscles and then return the dumbbell to the floor.

Exercise #3 - The Bent Over Row (Shoulders, Back And Core)

The bent over row will work your entire back, core, and your shoulders. To get started, hold at least a ten pound dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended out in front of you. Bend your knees slightly and lean forward with your arms still hanging out. This is where you start this exercise. Go ahead and lift the dumbbells up to your chest while you contract your back and shoulder muscles. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly straighten your arms out again.

Bodybuilding for ectomorphs is actually quite simple now that you know exactly what you have been doing wrong. Perform exercises like the examples above in an intense sequence, eat the recommended amount of calories, and rest often to get that big bulky body you've been working for.

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