What You Should Know About Undergoing Liposuction Dayton OH

By Alta Alexander

Liposuction or lipoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure, which is performed to remove extra fat from various areas of the body. You can opt for this procedure if there are excess fat deposits on your buttocks, thighs, abdomen, neck, hips, chest, inner knee or upper arms among other areas. By opting to undergo liposuction Dayton OH dwellers can improve their body contours and proportions.

Liposuction can be carried out alone or along with another plastic surgery procedure like an abdominoplasty, a facelift or breast augmentation. Lipoplasty should not be used as a substitute for proper diet and exercise or as a remedy for obesity. It cannot also be used to eradicate cellulite or saggy, loose skin. Nonetheless, people who have extra fat deposits that are not responsive to diet or exercise can choose to undergo this procedure.

The ideal candidates for liposuction are people who do not have serious illnesses or medical conditions that can affect healing. People who want to undergo lipoplasty should also not be overweight. They should also have firm, elastic skin, a good muscle tone, specific goals and a positive outlook.

Before undergoing liposuction in Dayton, Ohio, you should inform your plastic surgeon about your previous surgeries, surgical goals, medical conditions, drug allergies and the herbal supplements and medications you are taking. You also need to inform the surgeon if you use tobacco products, alcohol or drugs. The professional will discuss the possible outcome and the potential complications of this surgery.

As a cosmetic surgeon prepares you for the surgery, he or she may request you to undergo laboratory tests like blood tests or urinalyses to determine whether you are healthy enough for this procedure. The professional will also ask you not to take medications like ibuprofen and aspirin among other medications for 7 to 10 days prior to undergoing the procedure. These medicines can raise the risk of bleeding when surgery is being performed and after surgery is performed.

If you are currently taking birth control pills, the surgeon will ask you to discontinue them before he or she can perform liposuction. Birth control pills increase the risk of developing blood clots in the legs during the procedure. If you are a smoker, you should refrain from smoking for at least two weeks before the procedure. Smoking can cause circulation problems after surgery due to decreased blood flow to vital tissues and organs.

During the surgery, you will be put under anesthesia. The surgeon will then make small, inconspicuous incisions in the locations where you want extra fat to be removed. The surgeon will also fill the area with diluted local anesthesia in order to reduce trauma and bleeding. He or she will insert a cannula through the incisions and make back and forward motions to loosen extra fat. The surgeon will then use a syringe attached to the cannula or a surgical vacuum to suction the excess fat out of your body.

When the normal swelling and fluid accumulation subsides, you will notice that the appearance of your body has improved. The risks associated with liposuction include fluid accumulation, bruising, poor wound healing, infection, persistent swelling and deep vein thrombosis among others. It is crucial to determine whether lipoplasty will assist you to improve your body contours and if the potential risks are acceptable.

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