Acupuncture is an ancient technique that has been demonstrated to help with chronic pain, weight loss, ear problems, addictions, nausea, digestive problems and female disorders. Although not a magic fix-all, it works very well for those things it works well for. It can work even better when combined with chiropractic care or other therapies.
It works by readjusting the natural flow of energy through the body by applying small (much smaller than hypodermic) needles to specific points on the body. The theory is that this unblocks energy flows and restores balance. It feels great (most people do not feel much or anything when the needles are inserted) and thus reduces stress and improves mood.
While it is still not known exactly how this type of therapy works, we understand that it's effective. Again, this is especially true when acupuncture is combined with another form of therapy. Working with a Nashville chiropractor who can offer access to acupuncture will allow you to take advantage of two, exception solutions for pain relief in one place. A full training course is necessary for becoming an acupuncturist and thus, you won't be working with a quack who wants to stick needles all over your body at random.
If you currently suffer from fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, nausea, menstrual problems or recurring headaches, then acupuncture may be the right solution. This is a safe and easy way to obtain pain relief before using more invasive methods or prescription drugs.
Even though side effects are sometimes an issue with acupuncture, you can avoid infection by working with a reputable acupuncturist who will use needles that are both disposable and sterile. Pregnant women should not that acupuncture is contraindicated during the later stages of gestation given that it may cause premature labor.
Contact a qualified acupuncturist, ideally in a chiropractic clinic, to find out what acupuncture and chiropractic care, separately or in combination, can do to help relieve pain and improve your life.
It works by readjusting the natural flow of energy through the body by applying small (much smaller than hypodermic) needles to specific points on the body. The theory is that this unblocks energy flows and restores balance. It feels great (most people do not feel much or anything when the needles are inserted) and thus reduces stress and improves mood.
While it is still not known exactly how this type of therapy works, we understand that it's effective. Again, this is especially true when acupuncture is combined with another form of therapy. Working with a Nashville chiropractor who can offer access to acupuncture will allow you to take advantage of two, exception solutions for pain relief in one place. A full training course is necessary for becoming an acupuncturist and thus, you won't be working with a quack who wants to stick needles all over your body at random.
If you currently suffer from fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, nausea, menstrual problems or recurring headaches, then acupuncture may be the right solution. This is a safe and easy way to obtain pain relief before using more invasive methods or prescription drugs.
Even though side effects are sometimes an issue with acupuncture, you can avoid infection by working with a reputable acupuncturist who will use needles that are both disposable and sterile. Pregnant women should not that acupuncture is contraindicated during the later stages of gestation given that it may cause premature labor.
Contact a qualified acupuncturist, ideally in a chiropractic clinic, to find out what acupuncture and chiropractic care, separately or in combination, can do to help relieve pain and improve your life.
About the Author:
Nashville chiropractic clinic offers a range of wellness treatments to local patients. The website we most recommend is right here on
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