How To Create A Bipolar Romance Novel Biography

By John Turner

Having a plot for your novel is one thing but developing the characters can be the tricky part. So, allow this article to guide you through that. You do not have to create heroes out of these people. On the contrary, you are advised to show how flawed they are so that more people would be able to relate to them.

You should have the perfect balance of ease and difficulty in the chapters. A bipolar romance novel biography does not need to be perfect. It just has to make sense even for people who are not suffering from this kind of mental condition. Gain sympathy and respect from that sector and your book will be a huge hit.

Be sure that you have a responsible main character underneath all that complications. Someone can be born with bipolar and not be able to do anything about it. Thus, simply experiment on the aspects which the public will love to hear about. Touch the reality that being bipolar can be present among all of us and we just have different ways of handling it.

A protective protagonist will also have to do. The public seems to love seeing a damsel in distress being rescued. You can play along with this part but you need to focus on how the mental condition will affect the relationship between the two characters. Show every struggle which they have to go through to achieve their happily ever after.

Do not make the character so dark that it will already have to resort to suicidal thoughts. That will eliminate your audience in the early adolescent category. Remember that it is about making more money at the end of the day. Be strategic about this project and always listen to the suggestions of your editor.

The love in between the characters would have to be passionate enough. If you have some personal experience on this account, that would be great. However, creating scenarios which you did not actually went through is what can make you a great writer. So, harness that skill in every way possible.

Go into detail with how the characters interact with other people. Always include the good with the bad since this has to be reality at its finest. When you make your readers get confused on whether they are reading fiction or the complete opposite, you already have their full attention. Expect them to finish the book and rave about it.

You could put the protagonist on a tight spot but be clever in building up his redemption at the same time. An early hint of a happy ending is what can help your book in staying in that bestseller list. Work your way to getting that status of being a well loved author.

Allow the theme to keep you properly guided. Make an impact by being different from what is already in those shelves. You may not be that familiar with the concept but you could see this as a great challenge and it can put your skills on a whole new level.

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