Hit a Baseball Farther with Conditioning

By Jeff Wise

If you want to be able to hit a baseball farther, you must engage in a conditioning program. This type of exercise will help you become stronger, healthier and less likely to become injured. It will also help you be a better player and enjoy each season.

If you're not already involved in one, now is the time to participate in a year round conditioning program. This will keep your body strong, especially in the off season. During my high school baseball days, I would wake up at 5 a.m. and do conditioning drills for an hour. Then after school I would do another hour or more of weight training.

During high school, my team participated in intense training, especially during the off season. We would wake up early in the morning to do an hour of conditioning drills. Then, after school we would do another hour of weight training. This made our team strong and we went to the playoffs every year.

The intensity of conditioning depends on the age. Players under the age of 12 shouldn't do anything too strenuous. Running, stretching and other basics like sit-ups and pushups are plenty. But once a player gets older, with approval from parents and a doctor, they should do more supervised training to strengthen the muscles needed for baseball.

Do your hardest strength-training during the off season. You should exercise six days a week, taking one day off to give your body time to recover. Continue the conditioning into the baseball season, just at a less strenuous pace. High schools and colleges typically have programs in place for their students. Before starting any program, be sure to talk to your parents and coaches first.

There are several muscle groups that should receive most of your attention, including the chest, shoulders, back biceps, triceps, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. Also be sure to target the muscles in your abdomen. And every time you lift weights you should warm up, cool down and stretch to avoid injury or pain.

To be able to hit a baseball farther, you must engage in body conditioning. While it may not be the only thing that will help with your hitting, it is definitely necessary to be the great hitter you want to be.

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