Is Your Winter Skin Care Optimized? Here Are Some Tips. . .

By Kurtis Knee

The way we manage our skin should be in accordance with the climate and the different weather changes.

A reliable, high-quality humidifier is a good first step to protecting your skin. The cold winter months are naturally drier than the humid summer months. We make matters even worse when we crank up our heating systems. It doesn't matter what kind - space heaters or central heating - both dry up the air the same way. Heaters are nice, but they fill your home with hot, dry air, which only creates more problems for your skin. When you use a humidifier, it allows you to run your heaters so you stay warm, but also moisturizers the air so your skin doesn't dry out. Another option, also, is to put smaller humidifiers in several rooms of your home. You will then benefit by the warmth of your heating system without sacrificing the moisture of your skin. Your body has moisture needs that you must meet also, not just your skin. The key to this is to drink enough water on a daily basis. The main benefit of drinking adequate water is for the health of your body, not necessarily for the condition of your skin. Another benefit of adequate water consumption is that it will help stave off illnesses during the winter months.

Getting advice from a dermatologist is a good idea. When you visit your dermatologist, they should be able to distinguish the origin of your skin predicament and by knowing the cause, have a solution. When you are experiencing intense skin issues, they will likely set you up with a treatment that will remedy the situation.

Moisturizer is your best friend during those cold and dry winter months. Cold weather can dry out or even sometimes chap your skin. When the climate starts becoming frigid, the one product that will benefit you the most is an effective moisturizer.

Of course, not all moisturizers are the same. The basic make up of one may be water, while another is oil. The right moisturizer for your skin should be matched with your skin type. If you use an oil based product on oily skin; you would be more apt to experience skin problems. If your skin is just dry, the oil based moisturizers might be more your style.

Some people think that one of the pleasures of wintertime is a nice hot shower or bath. The hot water feels so great on your skin, and it helps to relax your muscles and literally washes away the troubles of your day. Well, it may feel nice for the short term, but it can cause your skin to be even less moist when you finish than it was before you began. Luxuriate instead by soaking away your cares and worries in a soothing lukewarm oatmeal bath. It's moisturizing, hydrating, and gets you clean without your having to risk any excess drying. During the different seasons, your skin will have requirements that vary. What you need to keep your skin healthy during the summer is different than what you need to keep your skin healthy during the winter. Each climate zone, and season, will affect your skin differently. Don't ignore your body during wintertime, either. It's just as important to take care of all of you, not just the parts that are exposed to the elements such as your face and hands. This can feel frustrating, but once you get the hang of it you can enjoy healthy and beautiful skin all year round.

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