The Thompson Terminal Technique Explained By A Chiropractor Nashville Professional

By John Bolton

If you are set to undergo a Thompson Terminal Technique, it is important that you understand what this is. This is a technique that can be recommended by a Chiropractor Nashville professional in case you have neck and back pain. It is one of the methods that is often recommended by chiropractic practitioners.

What is the Thompson Terminal Point Technique?

This technique is also referred to as the Thompson Drop Table Technique. It is carried out on top of a table, which is adjusted in different ways to ensure precision of your body. This table works in conjunction with a weighing mechanism, which are then balanced together to elicit tension on your body. The table is adjusted to different heights, so as to produce the right tension in your body.

The areas of the table that raise or drop slightly are initiated upon delivering the thrust. This is done in order to improve the motion of the body and deliver more targeted pressure to the area in need. The Thompson Terminal Point Technique target areas are usually the mid and lower back, in addition to the pelvic area. As your pain points differ from the next patient, the table can be adjusted to fit your specific needs.

For the technique to be carried out effectively, you will be required to lie flat on your stomach on the table. The length of your legs will then be measured to determine whether they are of equal length. If they are not the same length, then this could be the cause of your neck and back pain.

When working with a chiropractic professional, they will come up with a customized program just for you, depending on your condition. The Thompson Terminal Technique can be used to deal with pain on the neck and the back.

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