The Different Symptoms and Conditions Related to Tinnitus

By Athena Hunter

For several years, the thought of tinnitus usually was associated with a ringing noise in the ears. It should not really be surprising to know that there are more symptoms with this condition besides the high-pitched ringing. The US National Institutes of Health has discovered that more or less 12% of adult males between 65 and 75 years are suffering from this condition. White people seem to be more apt to develop tinnitus than other ethnic groups. The great majority of those who have tinnitus will only acquire the less severe symptoms that do not require medical attention. Then there exists some little-known percentage of individuals who acquire it and then the condition gets better without medical treatment. Then there are people who experience such severe interference that they need surgical procedure.

The most basic description of tinnitus symptoms is you will be hearing dissonances that nobody else hears. These dissonances or sounds are coming from within you and are sensed as actual sounds. About one million people in the United States experience tinnitus so severely that it disrupts normal activities for them. Many people think of ringing in the ears because that symptom is so prevailing among those with the condition. If the volume of the sound, or noise, is low enough, then that does not present a real issue. It is not at all hard to focus on something, like we all normally do, and you are not aware that the sound is present.

There is an odd symptom in which the sound that is heard can be a clicking sound in unison with the beating of the heart. There is nonetheless a different interference that is sensed, and that is a humming sound. However there are other differences, such as the humming happening all the time much like the ringing noise. But the crucial distinction with how severe it is relates to the level of the noise. The volume of the tones is negligible for a very high percentage of tinnitus sufferers. Most tinnitus sufferers have the ability cope with it because the brain has a distinct way of adjusting to various situations.

Not all obvious signs of tinnitus imply there is a continuing problem. For example, if an individual has water in the ear after showering or swimming, then there is often a noise heard in that ear or both ears. These situations won't usually not go on for a long time, or until the water is removed from the ear. Still another cause of temporary tinnitus is a strange amount of ear wax was accumulated in the ear canal. So that is important to keep in mind if you detect a ringing or whirring sound in your ear and wonder about it.

There are other considerations connected to this ear condition. Subjective tinnitus is a tinnitus type whereby you are the only person who is able to hear the interference. Surprisingly, usually those close to you can pick up the noise from you, and doctors call objective tinnitus which seems unusual. But with the latter type, it is necessary for the other person to focus on listening in a relatively quiet environment.

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