When needing relief from back pain, many have turned to the help offered by a Galesburg chiropractor. A chiropractic doctor helps to speed the natural healing processes of the body. As healing occurs, the pain that is felt in the back is reduced without the need for surgery.
The human spine is made of 33 bones called vertebrae. These bones are held together with connective tissue and supported by muscles. The vertebrae surround and protect the spinal cord. Nerves from all over the body attach to the spinal cord to send messages to and from the brain.
While the spine is very flexible, it is also subject to injury. During an accident or other type of injury, balance to the spine can be lost. When the body loses balance the vertebrae may begin to pinch the nerves. If discs are injured, they can also place pressure on nerves causing pain. In some instances, pain is localized to the back, but in many more, the pain spreads to the limbs.
After a chiropractic exam, the doctor may deem it necessary to perform a chiropractic adjustment. This gently allows the vertebrae to move back to their normal position. Once pressure is removed from the nerves, they begin to heal and the patient feels less pain.
Back pain can also be caused by pulled or torn muscles. The chiropractor offers natural techniques that help muscles to heal from injuries as well. With chiropractic care, inflammation can be reduced and healing blood flow can be restored to the area. Healing of the injury can help to bring about pain relief.
Persons experiencing back pain often find that the help of a Galesburg chiropractor can help them to feel less pain. In addition to caring for backs, the chiropractic doctor offers help in many other areas as well. Chiropractic care is holistic care. The chiropractic doctor cares for the whole body and helps to speed healing at the source of the pain.
The human spine is made of 33 bones called vertebrae. These bones are held together with connective tissue and supported by muscles. The vertebrae surround and protect the spinal cord. Nerves from all over the body attach to the spinal cord to send messages to and from the brain.
While the spine is very flexible, it is also subject to injury. During an accident or other type of injury, balance to the spine can be lost. When the body loses balance the vertebrae may begin to pinch the nerves. If discs are injured, they can also place pressure on nerves causing pain. In some instances, pain is localized to the back, but in many more, the pain spreads to the limbs.
After a chiropractic exam, the doctor may deem it necessary to perform a chiropractic adjustment. This gently allows the vertebrae to move back to their normal position. Once pressure is removed from the nerves, they begin to heal and the patient feels less pain.
Back pain can also be caused by pulled or torn muscles. The chiropractor offers natural techniques that help muscles to heal from injuries as well. With chiropractic care, inflammation can be reduced and healing blood flow can be restored to the area. Healing of the injury can help to bring about pain relief.
Persons experiencing back pain often find that the help of a Galesburg chiropractor can help them to feel less pain. In addition to caring for backs, the chiropractic doctor offers help in many other areas as well. Chiropractic care is holistic care. The chiropractic doctor cares for the whole body and helps to speed healing at the source of the pain.
About the Author:
The Galesburg chiropractor addresses back pain safely and naturally. You can learn about techniques and tools used to alleviate symptoms quickly and effectively by visiting http://www.doctorhayden.com today.
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