Genital Wart Elimination - 3 Things That You Can Do

By Sean T Saunders

The unsightly raised areas of tough tissue that appear over the skin are called warts are these are caused by a kind of viral infection brought on by the human papilloma virus. HPV virus spreads easily from one person to another as it is highly contagious. Approximately 40 percentage of the human population have already been affected by this virus. Under the warts on your skin the HPV virus is living off of nutrients provided by your blood vessels. Warts can be treated effectively using various treatment methods and you possibly can prevent them from coming back by taking certain safety measures. In this article, we are going to discuss the various treatment options that are available for the treatment of warts which appear on the genitals.

Many of the treatment options used for other forms of warts are not applicable to the treatment of the warts on the genital area as the skin layers in this area are highly sensitive and delicate. There are three alternative ways that people can use to get rid of warts on genitals. They include the use of holistic folk remedies, application of skin creams and lotions which are available over the counter and surgical removal of the warts. The first option is the least expensive and safest while over the counter products are reasonably inexpensive and , if used correctly, safe. By far the most expensive option is surgery or other procedures performed in the hospital or in a doctors office. These procedures are generally safe because they are under the supervision of a health specialist but they could be very painful. Let us take a look at each of the three options and the various treatments which fall under that category.

1. Holistic Treatments - Many people choose to use natural and holistic healing techniques rather than modern chemicals and surgery. Many of these folk remedies have been used since ancient times and have been proved to be safe and effective. They involve the use of all natural ingredients that are very mild in nature and very inexpensive as well. Holistic treatments for genital warts are twofold. Creams and lotions prepared from all natural ingredients can be applied directly over the warts or certain natural preparation can be taken internally. Use can use any of these options either individually or as a combination treatment.

2. Home Treatment - You will be able to find a wide array of over-the-counter medications stocked in your local pharmacy store which have been formulated specifically to get rid of warts on genitals. As the warts on genitals have become one of the most common sexually transmitted disease, many products are being released every other day. The most common pharmaceutical treatment for genital warts involves cryotherapy. Liquid nitrogen or other freezing agents are applied to the warts to freeze and kill them for removal. The skin in the genital area is sensitive and easy to damage so the use of these products needs care.

3. Surgical Methods - If you are feeling wealthy you might decide to use one of the surgical procedures that may be used to get rid of warts on genitals. These methods are expensive but they are fast and effective. Basically there are three types of surgical techniques that are used to remove genital warts. They are electrosurgery where electric current is passed through a thin needle to burn off the warts, cryosurgery where the wart tissue is frozen prior to surgery and traditional surgery that cuts the warts off. Removing warts surgically from the genital area is painful and requires a recovery period.

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