Can Organic Food Improve Your Health?

By Lee Wong

Switch on the TV or take a peek at the recent health books and you will notice that the term "organic food" is being widely promoted as the new way to have a healthly life. The organic food industry is thriving because lots of folks are taking a strong interest and they tend to be more expensive than non-organic food. As with every new fad, the question must be asked; Is all the positive reviews of organic food the true or is this yet another method to try and get more money from the general purchaser? Should we be having to pay more money on food that is allegedly better for you?

To find out all the facts, lets take an initial look at what the phrase "organic" really means to us. The term "organic" in relation to food, indicates that it has not been changed unnaturally. Things like synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified microbes, man made fertilizers and pesticides may not be used with organic food. When considering the basic protein foods including eggs, dairy and meat, antibiotics or Growth Hormone (GH) are not given to the animals.

The process of growing commercial organic food is not an easy one as a total of 3 years need to pass before their crops can be termed "organic" The purpose of this waiting period is to allow the soil to build up natural nutrients and minerals so that the new crop is entirely free from chemicals when it is grown Each one of these elements contribute to the added price of organic food. But the question still has to be stated; is this all necessary? Is organic food really going to make a significant improvement to my health?

It definitely seems there are other advantages, as research has revealed that organic food is more nutritious. Researchers have found that milk extracted from cows that were only given organic food had about 70% more Beta Carotene, 50% more Vitamin E and contained twice as many natural antioxidants and more Omega 3 then cows that were given chemically enhanced food. Organic food holds no additional toxins, such as fertilizers and insecticides, which can be detrimental to your health. Additionally, you do not run the risk of ingesting cancer causing toxins which is a massive benefit to selecting organic food. The next benefit is a matter of opinion, as many people say organic food tastes better than non organic, but again you cannot state this as a fact since its down to ones individual preferences.

Should you decide to use organic foods, the good news is that its also good for the eco-system. Chemical compounds such as insecticides all accumulate to have a damaging influence on our environment. This can be avoided by using organic food. Global warming has become a significant hazard to our modern day society. It's good to know that organic food doesn't use chemicals so it will not create too much pollution. Also, it is important to observe that when farm animals are raised on organic food they are also usually treated well so that they will also produce well. Unlike the small cages and the force feeding operations found on many other farms, organically fed animals tend to be "free range" and are allowed to walk around in open areas.

Therefore organic foods are good for the environment, your health and even makes certain that the animals on the farms are treated well and not mistreated. The cost factor also needs to be assessed but based on all the good benefits, I strongly recommend you take a serious look at trying to do things the organic way.

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