4 foods that lead to aging!

By Toby Edge

Everybody wants to stay young as long as they can. They want to feel young and they want to look young. Its a pretty universal desire and one that has led to the growth of a huge industry. However, the foundation of this problem is actually what you eat, and there are some very common foods in your diet that may well be making you look 5 or 10 years older than you really are.

In this article I am going to briefly look at 4 major foods that many people eat that may well be causing you to age prematurely. Lets have a look:

Food 1 - Wheat

Despite what you may have heard, wheat can be hugely damaging to the body. And when I talk about wheat, I am even refering to 'whole' wheats that are commonly cited as being brilliantly healthy. Wheat contains a special carb called Amylopectin-A that is believed to cause a higher spike in blood sugar than table sugar! This, in turn, causes premature aging.

Food 2 - Corn based products

Corn products include thigns like corn cereal, corn syrup, corn chips and corn oil. These products contain HFCS, which stands for high fructose corn syrup and, once more, this has a very negative impact on our blood sugar levels. Aside from this HFCS also contains high quantities of omega 6 fatty acids, which cause an imbalance of omega 3's and omega 6's in the body. This imbalance leads to inflammation, which in turn leads to aging.

Food 3 - Sugar

Naturally, sugar and sugary goods are going to impact your blood sugar levels in a negative way. As we have seen, this leads to aging, so anything high in sugar, when eaten regularly, is going to cause accelerated aging. This also included starchy products like white rice and white potatoes as well.

Food 4 - Vegetable oils

These are things like soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil and cottonseed oil which are contained in lots of processed foods. Basically, these oils contain polyunsturated fats that have gone through a refining process which leads to infammation in the body when ingested. This then leads to the growth of free radicals, the damaging of cell membranes, and other health issues like heart disease.

So, if you want to prevent the onset of premature aging then it is certainly a good idea for you to avoid eating these foods. They are so common in our society that many people consider them healthy. Don't believe the big food companies and instead take action to prevent the acceleration of aging, the development of health issues like heart disease, and the growth of your waistline!

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