Common Mistakes That Most Men Make When Training For Abs

By Christian Lawrence

It is an extremely important thing to educate yourself from mistakes because it's the only way a person gets to realize the truth about a subject. It's being observed that about 90% of males tend to get their six packs from the gym but do you know it can be gotten outside the gym? Well, you might not get to understand it, however, you will when get to understand more info on the exercises. Now, I will be speaking about the terrible mistakes that a majority of the gym goers make because, though the results are gotten in the gym, not everybody who goes to a gym gets the right result.

Well, before I get into what I have to suit your needs, there are actually different types of core exercises for men and some are these;

Pushup plank, V-sit hold, Plan, Twisting crunch, Superman with a twist, Lying windmills, Ball roll-ins, Lying glute pushup, Stiff-legged v bends, Plank on a Swiss ball

All of these exercises can be performed as they ought to and in case they aren't done the right way, you may either get little if any result whatsoever. Well, like I said before, not every person can get to do the exercise and have the perfect result. As soon as you the mistakes I'm intending to list, you should try if you can , avoiding them and in case you have already made them turn a new leaf and you will get the best six packs you have ever imagined to have.

So, let's get into business.....

1. The very first mistake is performing lots of sit-ups and crunches: there is this saying about building abs which is, the most effective way to build abs is simply by doing many sit-ups and crunches. Well, this saying isn't exactly true as it has being proved wrong somehow. Want to know my reasons? Here it is; these sit-ups and crunches only help in the building of the muscles of the core but it surely won't burn fat within your body. I'm very sure that it'll make you look just like a disfigured pumpkin. Excess fat in the belly will remain and I'm certain you will want to have that terrible result, will you? There's another one that's spot reduction can only be done for one section of the body. Well, it is untrue because fat can be lost from every area of the body. Well, for the losing of belly fat, you should just stop the sit-ups and crunches as it will simply build muscles in your body. The belly fat would prefer to bulge than reduce. For you to get a full abs workout, you might want to learn and also perform total body exercise to have great results. If you have already a lean body, you'll only need to perform the direct abs exercises for the building of the core muscles.

2. Trying out cardio exercises: I am sure you have being told that doing cardio exercises will yield the rapid formation of six packs. For you to do loads of cardio exercises is simply waste of time, trust me. I look at many guys in the gym attempting to destroy themselves all in the name of aiming to get packs. Well, here is a reason why you won't get a better result; as an example, you get to a gym to ride the bike and you do it on a very light and steady pace for about sixty minutes. Exactly how many calories do you really think will probably be burnt? As expected, much more or much less? Well, so far as I do know, you will lose only 250 calories and it won't be nice in anyway. It's just like you losing nothing at all. The truth about it is that 250 calories is a lot like losing nothing so I wonder just how long it will require before you'll will lose 2000 calories. So, don't waste your time and efforts on that, okay? The next question you'll ask me is if this isn't the solution, so what does? The answer for your issue is this;

Minimize the volume of calories you ingest into the body

Raise the metabolism of the body.

Trying short cardio exercises.

So, the ideal thing to try and do is to be devoted to the learning of the body building exercises or else you will find yourself being a failure.

3. Planning on a diet: oh, don't turn my ears to dust, okay? Seriously, you're making me avoid this post. Okay, let me provide the reasons behind such. I am sure that most ab guys know that going on a diet is a very huge mistake because it will just mean the changing of your eating plan and nothing more. So, this concept can never work. Please, don't try it out because it will only work for a short time and after that, you will go back to the gaining of fat and I am very positive that you will begin to hate yourself after that. The rate at which metabolism takes place in the body will reduce.

4. Taking diet pills and fat burners: supplements will not yield anything because it is a waste of money and you will not nothing like six packs. One thing you must know about fat burners is that they contain a lot of caffeine and other kinds of stimulants. These will give you energy but it will make you an addict and this will lead to your body switching to survival mode. You know what this means? It means;

The amount of calories burnt by the body will be reduced and there would be none available for its work.

The metabolic rate of the body will be reduced

This makes the body hold on to more fat for its sustenance.

So, to cut the story short on these supplements, the fat burners' thing is not true because there is no such thing as magic pill and if you are someone who is so addicted to them, see your doctor before it becomes worse than expected.

5. Overworking out: most people spend a lot of time and money in the gym and they get nothing in return. If you are doing anything with steroids and not bothering yourself, the gym will yield more results than you expected. Well, I suggest that the best thing to do for your muscles is to perform short intensive workouts because when it comes to exercise, the quantity is not what will determine its quality but what will determine it is the determination and the zeal.

6. Using contraptions and ab machines: "use the ab lounge, the ab rocker". All these are not right for the core and the six packs because they will yield nothing at all. So, what I suggest is the "shake weight" because it is the main key, as far as I am concerned is the key to getting the abs. well, here is what it is to be known; all these contraptions and other newly invented machines will just lead to the wasting of time and the reason is because they only work for the abs muscles and nothing else but if you have a low fat percentage, there is no point in building the abs. so, you need to know that the purchasing of such equipment is a waste of time.

7. Not getting enough sleep: this is something a lot of men have being doing and it is terribly annoying. Everyone engages in the exercise and eating routine that they forget the essence of sleep. It is a very important thing and I call those who don't sleep "kerosene" and the reasons why sleep is needed are as follows;

Lack of sleep makes you perform less in the gym and this will lead to the gaining of fat and the losing of muscles.

It will make you less motivated and tiredness will come in leading to skipping of workouts.

Muscles won't be built when lacking sleep.

It would also lead to overeating and I hope you won't be as big as a plum.

8. Excess "isolation" exercises: all these curls can really be hurting the packs and all these exercises that are being invented lead to the gaining of nothing but nothing. Even if muscle will be gained, it would be little or nothing at all. So, you just need to learn other exercises like jerk, squat, and also dead lift. If you have no idea about the compound exercises like dead lift, you have to learn for better results as soon as possible.

9. Getting advice from someone who doesn't have an idea on what abs is all about: it is a very astounding thing to know that there are many gurus who know a lot about abs in this world. I still cannot believe that so many people know nothing about abs and they still end up giving people advices; believe me, it sucks. So, I advise that if you want to get the nice sexy body, you will have to obey these rules.

10. Not obeying these instructions: to obey is better than complain and I am sure you will obey for your sake.

It is best you trust me on this because getting all the right tips on the core exercises for men and learning from these mistakes will work for you. See you around!!

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