Five Things You Can Do For Immune Support

By Jim Strongly

1. Improve your diet

You'll want lots of fruits and vegetables. These contain the antioxidants that you want for your body to fight free radicals.

You want to eat healthy fats for immune support. These include omega-3 fats. These can be found in fish and flaxseed.

You'll want to cut out sugary foods. Sugary foods have been shown to decrease immune support.

Remember to drink lots of water. Don't drink sodas or other sugary drinks. Again, sugary drinks will decrease your immunity.

2. Exercise for immune support

Studies are showing that moderate exercise 3 to 4 times a week is necessary to maintain your immune system. It helps your T cells.

If you do vigorous exercise like running you could potentially hurt your immune system. A lot of times runners and other athletes are more susceptible to illnesses such as the flu.

3. Reduce stress levels

Stress can really have a negative impact on your immunity. So you'll want to find ways to decrease your stress. There are plenty of stories of people who have had heart attacks because of large levels of stress in their lives.

Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing are some ways that you can reduce your stress. Also working less can improve immune support.

4. Sleep and hygiene

Washing your hands is the number one thing you can do to avoid getting sick. Doctors have been telling us this for years.

Get some sleep. If you can't get the recommended eight hours of sleep, sleep as much as you can.

5. Herbs and supplements

Some good supplements try our vitamin C, astralagus, echinacea, and
elderberry. The reason I say try is because these supplements have different effects on different people. But a lot of people swear by these as a way to boost your immune support.

Recently, doctors have been touting the benefits of another supplement known as glutathione. Glutathione is the body's number one antioxidant. So anyway you can boost this will definitely help your immune support.

While there is no panacea to good health, these five items will most definitely improve your immune support.

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