Your Amazing Mindpower

By Brian Parry

Did you know that we only use 10% of our mindpower? It's pretty amazing to think about what we could accomplish if we could somehow tap into the 90% of our minds which usually go unused. Certainly, there is a lot of unexplored potential right there in our own minds.

The scientific opinion has long been that those who have psychic abilities and extra sensory perception are able to use these abilities by tapping into those great unused mental reserves. Some seem to have been born with these abilities, while others learn later on in life how to start using this potential mind power.

Although the process is far from fully understood, the latest advances in quantum physics are beginning to reveal the true nature of the link between what we think and what we experience in 'real' life.

In fact recent scientific studies are starting to verify what the ancient religions have been saying for thousands of years, that reality is merely a product of your mind, and if you change the way you think, then you can change your reality. 'Mindpower' is in fact the only reality!

'The Secret' and other works about the law of attraction lay out how to use mindpower to change their lives and even the world!

In case you have not come across it before, the law of attraction concerns the whole universe and states that there is a cause and effect for everything we do. So whatever you think about you will get! You must however communicate with your subconscious mind to tell it what you want; otherwise it presumes you want everything to stay as it is. Scientifically this is known as a state of homeostasis.

It seems that not only is the subconscious the prime mover behind psychic powers like remote viewing and telepathy, but is also our conduit to the energy of the universe around us.

In order to develop your mindpower, you need to get your conscious and subconscious minds in communication with each other. There a number of different methods to build this link and help you increase your mindpower.

Affirmations:- A staple of positive thinking, affirmations are repeated until they sink into the subconscious mind, where they influence your behavior to achieve the desired outcomes. Your subconscious can make things happen by using your unused mindpower.

If you needed to boost your self esteem, you may tell yourself things like 'I am confident and well liked'. If you want to break a habit, you can use affirmations like 'I only eat healthy foods'.

When repeated, affirmations reach the subconscious and start producing the desired result.

So just take this a stage further and realize that anything you want to change will change; not just your behavioral habits but absolutely everything in your reality. This is mindpower!

Visualization:- Using visualization to develop mindpower involves closing your eyes and imagining what you want to happen. Your subconscious mind reacts strongly to pictures. Visualize yourself being successful. Imagine yourself will everything you have ever dreamed of! Visualize that new house, that new car. You can even make a scrapbook beforehand containing pictures of everything you want to manifest to help you focus. Visualize consistently and it really will appear in your life.

You can even visualize yourself using some of your other latent mental abilities. For example, visualize yourself communication with someone else telepathically or being able to use remote viewing. Using your mindpower in this way will help these natural psychic abilities to develop.

Hypnosis:- Hypnosis is another well known way of communicating with your subconscious mind and helping to develop mindpower. If you visit a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist they will start by making sure you are totally relaxed and then offer suggestions to your subconscious mind which it will remember when you wake up.

Alternatively you can try self hypnosis where you listen to a recording of a hypnotherapist going through the session. The advantage of this, apart from the cost, is that you can keep listening to it over and over again.

Brainwave entrainment:- This is an audio technology which uses specially recorded frequencies to synchronize your brainwaves to improve memory, alleviate pain or any number of other beneficial effects.

Other frequencies can assist you to get into a state of meditation very quickly to allow communication with your subconscious mind and therefore the development of your mindpower to take place.

Other frequencies can stimulate the parts of your body known as the chakra energy centers. There is a chakra in the center of your forehead called the third eye chakra which is responsible for psychic powers.

There are psychic powers which are latent in all of us. However, your mindpower needs to be enhanced before these abilities can be unlocked and developed. Otherwise, these capabilities remain deep in the subconscious and are unused.

So when we talk about developing mindpower we really mean unlocking all of the latent powers and true potential of every human being.

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