Is The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Program One That Will Actually Provide Weight Loss?

By Ahmed Abdelaziz

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots weight loss program has hit the internet with a big bang. It's more than just a cute catch phrase. This is a plan that is designed to jump start your success towards a healthier body weight that is unique and effective.

If you have become skeptical of diet plans, you are certainly not the only one. There are many people who have tried and rejected plan after plan only to find that despite their good efforts, the plans were faulty. What you have to realize is that many of today's diet plans are not designed to lead you to real success.

When you join some of these weight loss programs, they want you to be partially successful, not completely successful. They want you to drop enough weight in the beginning of the plan that you remain firmly committed to their program. However, if you drop all of the weight then how are they supposed to continue to make money off of you? This is especially true for diet plans that involve prepared, prepackaged foods.

To be point blank, Fat Loss 4 Idiots isn't designed to keep you hanging around. Their plan is for 11 days. During this time you will find that while they offer a great deal of guidance and information pertaining to the continuation of the plan and keeping the weight off, this is a program to help you shed those first ten pounds to get you well on your way to your goals. You can continue the program if you want, but the meat and potatoes of this program is all about the weight loss of the first 11 days.

Losing weight requires you to make a firm commitment to yourself. Since the initial plan is an 11 day commitment, you have the opportunity to start with a short term commitment and then expand your plans from there. Caring for yourself for just 11 days can seem much easier than turning over a new leaf for the next 11 years. This program helps you take everything in small steps.

You start the process with something called a 'diet generator.' This is really a fantastic idea because it helps to tailor the diet to your needs. The diet generator takes into account your vital statistics and puts together a meal combination plan that is going to help you become successful. Using this personalized approach has led to documented results. Many people have lost upwards of 9 pounds in the first 11 days.

There is no self starvation on this diet plan. In fact, you are encouraged to eat 4 meals per day, providing your metabolism with a boost in energy every 2 and hours. By eating small meals more frequently, you manage to keep your blood glucose around the same level (avoiding blood sugar crashes from hunger) and increase the natural rate of your metabolism. With no prepackaged food to buy and no starvation, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is proving to be a cost effective restoration in the essential belief that you, too, can be thin again.

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