Acupuncture is an ancient form of therapy, practiced in China as far back as 8,000 years ago, according to some sources. Researchers have been unable to find the exact origins of acupuncture in China. Some sources indicate arrow wounds received in battle may have actually resulted in the accidental healing of chronic ailments for some soldiers, perhaps being the driving force behind the development of acupuncture as a medicinal practice.
The formal practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of tiny needles into particular points within the body. These insertion points are believed to be placed along meridians within the body, or lines through which vital energy flows through the body and all of its systems. The methods of acupuncture are based on the belief that the body contains patterns of energy flow referred to as qi (pronounced "chee"). Proper, unimpeded flow of qi is believed to be essential for the maintenance of proper health, and needles applied to specific acupuncture points are believed to help correct and balance that flow.
Acupuncture benefits the patient by eliminating the cause of the disease rather than offer cure from associated symptoms. Acupuncture is also an effective way of treating people who are averse to taking strong medication with lasting side effects. The numerous conditions that could otherwise be treated only with medication that can benefit from acupuncture treatment include, but are not exclusively limited to, allergic rhinitis and asthma, anxiety, fibromyalgia, cystitis, depression, dysmenorrheal, headaches & migraines, high blood pressure, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, low back pain, osteoarthritis, and urinary tract infections. Customary treatment of some of the aforementioned ailments and conditions can be painful, drawn out, and reliant on medications with potentially harmful side-effects. Acupuncture also effectively circumvents the allergic reaction many patients have to prescription medications and pain killers.
People who aren't suffering from any particular disease but are experiencing a serious drop in energy levels due to stress and anxiety benefit a lot from acupuncture treatment. By unblocking energy channels in the body, people feel de-stressed and revitalized. They experience a sense of calm and happiness post acupuncture treatment. Again, this is a much healthier alternative than taking prescription medications to alleviate stress.
Patients suffering from insomnia and sleeplessness over extended periods of time have had long lasting benefits from acupuncture treatment. Conditions like these require taking medication over extended periods of time, which have certain ill effects on other body systems and organs; hence one of the best ways of treating such ailments is to eliminate them by way of acupuncture.
Chronic back pain is one of the most oft cited reasons adults regularly visit the doctors office. Patients suffering from chronic low back pain, arthritis, and other aches and pains can also benefit from acupuncture treatment because acupuncture sessions will work on eliminating the cause of the pain. Therefore, one can experience overall wellness and healing rather than only relief from symptoms.
Acupuncture has also been found to be extremely beneficial to people that are in the process of overcoming certain addictions like smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Reports indicate that acupuncture treatment inhibits and prevents certain diseases from manifesting mainly because it strengthens the immune system and improves blood circulation.
One of the great benefits of acupuncture is that it employs a holistic method of treatment. Thus, most times, the overall health and wellness of the patient is considered and treatment provided is not specific to one problem alone. Acupuncture will take care of all disease conditions and symptoms by unblocking energy along various channels in the human body, thereby eliminating all possible causes and healing the patient completely.
The formal practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of tiny needles into particular points within the body. These insertion points are believed to be placed along meridians within the body, or lines through which vital energy flows through the body and all of its systems. The methods of acupuncture are based on the belief that the body contains patterns of energy flow referred to as qi (pronounced "chee"). Proper, unimpeded flow of qi is believed to be essential for the maintenance of proper health, and needles applied to specific acupuncture points are believed to help correct and balance that flow.
Acupuncture benefits the patient by eliminating the cause of the disease rather than offer cure from associated symptoms. Acupuncture is also an effective way of treating people who are averse to taking strong medication with lasting side effects. The numerous conditions that could otherwise be treated only with medication that can benefit from acupuncture treatment include, but are not exclusively limited to, allergic rhinitis and asthma, anxiety, fibromyalgia, cystitis, depression, dysmenorrheal, headaches & migraines, high blood pressure, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, low back pain, osteoarthritis, and urinary tract infections. Customary treatment of some of the aforementioned ailments and conditions can be painful, drawn out, and reliant on medications with potentially harmful side-effects. Acupuncture also effectively circumvents the allergic reaction many patients have to prescription medications and pain killers.
People who aren't suffering from any particular disease but are experiencing a serious drop in energy levels due to stress and anxiety benefit a lot from acupuncture treatment. By unblocking energy channels in the body, people feel de-stressed and revitalized. They experience a sense of calm and happiness post acupuncture treatment. Again, this is a much healthier alternative than taking prescription medications to alleviate stress.
Patients suffering from insomnia and sleeplessness over extended periods of time have had long lasting benefits from acupuncture treatment. Conditions like these require taking medication over extended periods of time, which have certain ill effects on other body systems and organs; hence one of the best ways of treating such ailments is to eliminate them by way of acupuncture.
Chronic back pain is one of the most oft cited reasons adults regularly visit the doctors office. Patients suffering from chronic low back pain, arthritis, and other aches and pains can also benefit from acupuncture treatment because acupuncture sessions will work on eliminating the cause of the pain. Therefore, one can experience overall wellness and healing rather than only relief from symptoms.
Acupuncture has also been found to be extremely beneficial to people that are in the process of overcoming certain addictions like smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Reports indicate that acupuncture treatment inhibits and prevents certain diseases from manifesting mainly because it strengthens the immune system and improves blood circulation.
One of the great benefits of acupuncture is that it employs a holistic method of treatment. Thus, most times, the overall health and wellness of the patient is considered and treatment provided is not specific to one problem alone. Acupuncture will take care of all disease conditions and symptoms by unblocking energy along various channels in the human body, thereby eliminating all possible causes and healing the patient completely.
About the Author:
HealthCMI provides continuing education courses online for acupuncture and nursing ceus. Course materials and certificates of completion may be downloaded for instant online continuing education credit. For more information visit us online today!
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