Food for Sleep

By Alexandra Williams

According to recent surveys, around 35% of the female population is suffering from insomnia and disturbed sleep. Night sweating, headaches, fatigue, tiredness are slowly becoming a daily feature of a woman's life. Are you one of them, who have started loosing their sound sleep and is lying awake even longer than before? If this type of sleeping disorder persists, then it's time you should consult your doctor.

Insomnia doesn't just mean not being able to sleep a wink. It also means waking up lots of times during the night, or getting the feeling that you didn't get a good night's sleep, or waking up too early in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep.Almost half of America's population suffers from insomnia, and practically everyone has experienced it at least once in their lifetime. Some suffer this disorder for years. Insomnia is something you have to be concerned about because it greatly affects your life and those around you.

Indeed, sleep has many health benefits that have often been taken for granted by many. But because of the stress of today's lifestyle a lot of people have been experiencing difficulties in getting quality sleep. Recent medical studies show that food regimens and activity may play a critical role in determining one's sleeping patterns. Some foods may improve sleep while others can make sleep difficult. Instead of trying food supplements that induce sleep, medical specialists suggest that people who want to improve their sleep should make wise choices in their diets.

You've got to diagnose what kind of insomnia you're suffering from. You don't need a doctor to do this for you. You can do it yourself. Insomnia is caused by a lot of factors.Psychological factors include depression, sadness, or anything that gives you negative feelings. These may arise from traumatic events that you couldn't get out of your mind (like embarrassing incidents, financial problems, or death of a loved one). Stress, anxiety, excitement, and nervousness may contribute to insomnia.

Make arrangements for a good comfortable pillow and mattresses. Keep the environment of your room neat & clean.

The food that you intake may also be a factor contributing to insomnia. Don't take anything that has caffeine in it. This includes coffee, chocolate, and tea. Check the food you eat and trash those that contain caffeine. The same goes with alcohol and nicotine. Like caffeine, these are stimulants that help to keep your mind awake. Alcohol does help induce sleep, but it doesn't give you a GOOD night's sleep because of certain compounds it contains that keep some organs (like your stomach) active.

Incomplete sleep patterns can be very frustrating for women at times leading to depression of moods and depreciation of health. What makes this all so bad is that many forms of depression are natural, normal and temporary.. Likewise they can be relieved through safe, gradual methods using your body's natural mechanisms.

As with other symptoms of imbalance, depression is your body's way of sending you a signal that something is awry. Some advice to take antidepressants in this case, but it is not that advisable. Because they don't address the underlying problem; they drown it. Therefore the best solution to all these insomnia problems is maintaining a good diet and a healthy routine.

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