Know What Causes Anxiety

By Alexandra Williams

The term "Anxiety disorder" has become a jacket term, covering many unique forms of abnormal anxiety, fears, phobias and nervous conditions. All of these conditions come on suddenly and prevent an individual from continuining daily routines.

Of the several different types of anxiety disorder these are the most popular:- Claustrophobia - Social anxiety

Shortness of breath is another anxiety attack symptom that is seen a lot because of someone feeling panicked due to other symptoms they are experiencing. The shortness of breath can seem like your world is caving in, but by being able to recognize the symptom as part of an anxiety attack, you can more easily control this.

1. Personality traits : Individuals who are diagnosed to have anxiety disorders always alienate themselves to other people as they regard the society as a threatening place. Majority of those with serious cases of anxiety have low coping skills and poor self-esteem.

- Agoraphobia - Panic disorder - Separation anxiety disorder

Usually all of these disorders or conditions are chronix, and lifestyle restricting. Alot of times individuals will be born with their condition, but it is also known that they can begin suddenly after a triggering event. Stress is a known factor which will increase in their persistence.Usually all of these disorders or conditions are chronix, and lifestyle restricting. Alot of times individuals will be born with their condition, but it is also known that they can begin suddenly after a triggering event. Stress is a known factor which will increase in their persistence.

4. Traumatic experiences : Anxiety is also known to develop due to a person's traumatic life experiences. Examples of traumatic life events are marital separation, abuse, and death. Traumatic experiences can be very damaging and depressing for an individual, thus, resulting to the development of anxiety disorders.

5. Hereditary : Studies claim that anxiety disorders are hereditary. Those who are diagnosed with extreme anxiety conditions oftentimes have history cases of mood disorders, substance abuse, and anxiety disorders. People who are also innately vulnerable to stress are the ones known to have anxiety disorders.

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