A Typical Laser Hair Removal Treatment

By Alex Tesla

When the time comes for you to have your first laser hair removal treatment, it is common to feel nervous and possibly a little anxious. This is simply because it is something you have never undertaken before and you are not sure what to expect. Try to relax and think about this visit as any other doctor visit.

If there's a wait once you arrive at the office, attempt to keep your mind occupied so you'll not worry about the upcoming procedure. Perhaps a friend could accompany you to your appointment, or, if you're alone, read a book or magazine. Having your payment ready will also help you to relax since it will be one less thing you need to be concerned about.

When it's your turn to enter the treatment room, you will be instructed to remove all necessary clothing and a gown will be given. If photographs of the area to be treated with laser hair removal were not taken during the consultation, the nurse or assistant will take them now.

The area to be treated will be washed to cleanse it of any lotions, cosmetics, perfumes or deodorants. It will then be prepped with alcohol. According to the procedure, the area may, or may not, be shaved. Your skin might be cooled before treatment to assist decrease any side effects from developing. You, and everyone else in the room, will be given safety goggles to wear throughout the procedure.

The doctor, or technician, who's performing the laser hair removal procedure will do a patch test. This will provide hima chance to evaluate your tolerance of the treatment and also choose the correct fluence levels. It will also give you the opportunity to experience how the laser feels and hopefully alleviate some of your anxiety. A single pulse will be provided to the test area, which will be near the area to be treated. It will be examined for any sings of damage to the skin such as blistering or separation.

When the physician is ready to begin the procedure, he will aim the laser at the hair follicles of the area to be treated. Since the hair follicles have a dark pigmentation, they will absorb the energy from the laser's light. The time that's required for the procedure will depend on the amount of hair to be removed, the spot size of the beam, and the scanning pattern of the hand piece that the physician is using. Laser hair removal treatments can take anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes, relying upon the area treated.

Several individuals state that the laser feels like a rubber band being snapped on your skin. Other people describe it as more intense than that. If you're feeling discomfort or pain, you will be provided with a topical anesthesia or cooling remedies.

Once the laser hair removal treatment is completed, you'll be prepared to get dressed and talk about post treatment care. You may experience certain temporary side effects for example redness and swelling, which usually disappear within a day or two.

Once you have encountered your first laser hair removal treatment, you'll be a lot more relaxed should you require additional treatments.

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