Each year, thousands of people cannot work due to carpal tunnel syndrome. A lot of people use computers on the job, and this may result in repetitive strain conditions in one's hands. When the pain becomes chronic, many people turn to surgery to relieve pain and improve hand mobility. Yet, other types of therapy such as acupuncture can be effective for carpal tunnel syndrome. Your Vernon chiropractor has experience with these procedures.
Your fingers are controlled by tendons and muscles within your forearms. However, these tendons must be kept within a narrow area of the wrist known as the carpal tunnel. If this area becomes inflamed and irritated, it can cause a great deal of pain when using the hands. This problem is known as CTS or carpal tunnel syndrome. It is often due to repetitive motions.
When nerves in the wrist are inflamed they can cause numbness or burning in the hands and fingers. The pain can often make it difficult to sleep at night. It also makes it very hard to grip things and properly use the hands. If you work with a computer keyboard, the pain can sometimes be intense.
If CTS is not taken care of, the pain and irritation can become worse. If one waits too long, it may cause damage to the hands and wrists. Many times, surgery is used to correct the problem, but there are other measures to consider.
When you visit your chiropractic professional, you will have a complete examination. You can talk to the chiropractic doctor about your condition, and ask any questions that you may have. The chiropractic professional works with you to help relieve your pain.
CTS can often be helped with acupuncture. A Vernon chiropractor can also provide supplements or exercises that may be beneficial. These therapies are completely natural and safe.
Your fingers are controlled by tendons and muscles within your forearms. However, these tendons must be kept within a narrow area of the wrist known as the carpal tunnel. If this area becomes inflamed and irritated, it can cause a great deal of pain when using the hands. This problem is known as CTS or carpal tunnel syndrome. It is often due to repetitive motions.
When nerves in the wrist are inflamed they can cause numbness or burning in the hands and fingers. The pain can often make it difficult to sleep at night. It also makes it very hard to grip things and properly use the hands. If you work with a computer keyboard, the pain can sometimes be intense.
If CTS is not taken care of, the pain and irritation can become worse. If one waits too long, it may cause damage to the hands and wrists. Many times, surgery is used to correct the problem, but there are other measures to consider.
When you visit your chiropractic professional, you will have a complete examination. You can talk to the chiropractic doctor about your condition, and ask any questions that you may have. The chiropractic professional works with you to help relieve your pain.
CTS can often be helped with acupuncture. A Vernon chiropractor can also provide supplements or exercises that may be beneficial. These therapies are completely natural and safe.
About the Author:
Get the details about how a Vernon Chiropractor can provide you with relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome through the use of acupuncture effectively! To get more information about the methods used by this knowledgeable professional, visit http://www.AcupunctureAndAlternativeHealth.com today!
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