Adult Acne: The Best Acne Treatments for You

By Martha Fitzharris

Before we continue you need to know that adult acne is more common than you think. To keep things in perspective, about 25% of all adult men and a over 10% of all adult women suffer from acne at some point in their adult lives. But unfortunately, this condition doesn't limit itself to the younger part of adulthood. It can actually keep affecting men and women well into their 50s.

Adult acne is painfully lived by adults because it's unexpected and can even lead to acne scars and self esteem issues. So, if you want to rid your adult acne, keep reading to find out what you can do to combat your acne.

Acne and Aging

One of the first questions you might want to have answered is: what causes acne? The actual causes of adult acne are little more tricky to determine than adolescent acne. Some common factors include hormonal fluctuations (basically those related to pregnancy and menopause), stress (caused by work and adult responsabilities), cosmetics, and even an increase of resistant bacteria.

Treating adult acne can be difficult, especially if you can't pin-point the cause; however, you shouldn't let this discourage you. While your trying hard to find the acne treatment that is right for you, you should maintain a rigorous skin care routine that involves regular cleansing and moisturizing.

Maintaining the proper adult cleansing routine is really quite simple. Just cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturize. When treating adult skin exfoliation is crucial. It can help you remove damaged and dead skin cells while bringing out healthier-looking skin.

If your skin is sensitive or dry, then try using a cream cleanser. This type of product can gently cleanse and moisturize your skin. If your skin is delicate, then try a natural exfoliator such as milk.

No matter what acne product you choose you have to take your age into consideration. Mature skin isn't what it used to be and requires a lot more care than younger skin. Here are a few tips you could use.

Firstly, avoid acne products that contain alcohol and unnecessary fillers like fragrances. Since aging skin is more than younger skin, these ingredients will only inflict more damage.

Age is a key ingredient and should be considered when creating a cleansing routine. Keep a consistent skin care routine that doesn't involve too much washing. If not you could dry out your skin making it less resistant to acne.

Your age and skin type are important factors when; however, sex doesn't seem to be a determining factor when it comes to acne treatments. In all honesty, men and women can basically use any type of acne remedy. Nevertheless, finding the right topical treatment can keep your acne under control.

If your acne is caused by hormonal fluctuations, you may want to consult your doctor to see if you are a candidate for hormonal therapy.

However, if this isn't your case then a great product to try for any type of skin and at any age is a product containing snail serum. This type of product is safe for all types of skin. Snail serum helps unclog pores and eliminate microbes from the skin's surface.

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