The Ways On How To Treat Pimples

By Jerry Jeremiah

The fact is that the biggest organ in the body is the skin. Most of the times, we fail to appreciate the wonders of this organ for a variety of reasons. Still, there will be a time in a life of a person when they get a breakout. The next move is how to treat pimples.

As mentioned, the skin is the largest organ. Skin cells are so important because they continue to do their duty even to their death. When dead skin cells reach to the surface of the skin, they tend to flatten out. They will join countless of other dead skin cells until they shed away from the body. But while they are at the surface, their job is to protect the body from bacteria and viruses that will try to get into the our system.

Working with them are hair follicles. These glands produces oily substances that is called the sebum. Occasionally, when there is too much that is produced, the dead skin cells and other things with it blocks the exit. And that is how a blockage occurs.

This gives bacteria the opportunity to join, and redness begins to happen. Many people say that this happens because an individual is not washing their face a lot. However, washing the face too many times can actually irritate the skin. Experts say that washing the face twice a day is recommended. This should be when the person wakes up and around bedtime.

One of the ways that a person can do to prevent this from happening is by being aware of the things that people apply on their face. This can be from lotions to cosmetics. If a person must have these products, they will need to look for the ones that says oil free. The label should also mention non-comedogenic. This simply means that it is not going to clog up the pores.

When cleanser do not treat it, consider using benzoyl peroxide. This is a medication that a doctor prescribes to their patients. However, it can be obtained from any drugs stores because it is over the counter. This will help by eliminating the bacteria called P. Acnes that clogs the pores.

There are a lot of ways in how to treat pimples. One of the things a person can do is by not touching their face. People touch their face and not even be aware of it. Another way is to get plenty of exercise. This will lessen the production of sebum. Showering is also important because it bring the bacteria and dead skin cells along with it.

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