By Aneron Kepasil

There are many people who get varicose veins. The reason that this happens is because the veins become weak in the individual. This leads to swelling and the veins becoming a blue color on the skin. These can hurt a lot and sometimes people are not even able to comfortable stand on there legs for any extended period. This is because the vein is not working properly. It is not allowing the blood to flow both ways as it normally should. There are solutions to spider veins though.

Varicose veins might form in the leg region for several reasons. Research shows that the most common reason for varicose veins forming in the legs is because of defective or damaged valves in the legs. Damaged valves prevent proper blood circulation in the legs and cause the blood to remain in the vein moving toward the heart. Valves purpose is to prevent back flow of blood.

Some individuals are simply predisposed to developing varicose veins in the legs. Researchers found that some individuals are born with weak valves in the legs or not enough valves in the legs for proper blood flow and circulation.

There are also herbal remedies to this problem. One of the most effective herbs that has been used is the Horse Chestnut. This is more of a topical use type of herb. Some experimenters have cited this as the most effective treatment for varicose veins. Another herb that can be used to treat this problems is Butcher's Broom. This herb is used to promote blood flow. It can also be used as a topical herb or it can be used as an internal remedy too.

Natural treatments that contain high levels of anthocyanidins and anti-oxidants will help strengthen the smaller blood capillaries in the body. The bilberry plant is one form of varicose vein treatment . So, if you choose this strange looking plant as your varicose vein treatment , be advised that bilberry can bring on skin rashes, stomach aches, and drowsiness. Be advised that over use of bilberry as a tea or otherwise can have serious consequences.

Natural solutions include taking Ginkgo supplements which help to strengthen vein walls in the legs. Horse Chestnut supplements have also been recommended by leading herbalist and doctors. Another natural and therapeutic way is to apply a cold compress dipped in witch hazel and essential oils to the affected area to calm the painful veins. Those interested in a natural solution or treatment to the problem should consider Venovil products. Read more at

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