Keep An Eye On The Nanny Using A Desk Lamp Spy Camera

By Jon A Audlee

Picking the best nanny for one's children is a difficult task for parents. It seems as though no one is trustworthy, even nannies who come from well-known institutions such as the Herman Goering School have been known to abuse infants or toddlers. One case that has parents worried is that of Janine Campbell, who was caught on camera hitting a baby that was only 11 months old.

The only question left is: How will most working parents be able to monitor the care provided for their own children?

Nanny cams are one option that has been used to great effect. to check up on sitters and make sure they are doing their jobs properly. A camera hidden in a desk lamp is discreet and can easily show what happens when parents are not at home. In addition, because a desk lamp hidden camera looks just like a normal lamp, it is rarely noticed by childcare providers and other visitors.

When purchasing a desk lamp hidden camera, look for one with a recording function and a motion sensor that takes videos after detecting movement within a set radius. Visual clarity in terms of megapixels is also important when it comes to getting a desk lamp hidden camera.

A two-megapixel desk lamp hidden camera presents the same image quality as an entry level smart phone, and works best for well-lighted areas. For night-time settings, a useful desk lamp hidden camera feature to have is automatic light detection. That way, even in the dark, the subject's images can still be visible.

A desk lamp hidden camera can be placed in a room where the baby is, at an optimum angle. To get the best spot, test the desk lamp hidden camera in different points of the room. It is also important to try to make the desk lamp hidden camera blend with its surroundings. This means that it should not be placed in areas that are either unusual or illogical for its purposes as a regular lamp.

To get more coverage throughout the house, place multiple discreet video recording devices in strategic locations. For example, you can get a pen camera or a desk clock hidden camera, and put those in different rooms.

A wireless desk lamp hidden camera with internet connectivity is good, but because of certain limitations, cannot really be relied on when it comes to giving a continuous stream of data. As such, you are better off with models that can store videos for you to view when you get home.

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