Overview About Shingles

By Tony Markette

Herpes Zoster or shingles is a skin rash that is caused by the same virus as that which causes chickenpox - varicella zoster. Early signs and symptoms include pain, a burning or tingling sensation that can be severe and blistering, then the appearance of rashes. Rashes are patches of red and little blisters that may appear on the face, ears, eyes, and mouth. When the blisters are drying, there will be crusts that will fall off in time. There will be a small chance that the person with these blisters will scar.

Signs and Symptoms

* High fever and chills

* Pain in the abdomen

* Difficulty in facial movements

* Ptosis or drooping of the eyelids

* Lesions in the genital area

* Headaches

* Pain in the joints

* Problems with the senses (vision, hearing, and taste)

* Swollen glands

Causes of Shingles

Chickenpox may leave inactive viruses in your body. They just become dormant and are never really eliminated from the body's nervous system. When this virus reactivates after some time, it can cause shingles. One may likely contract shingles when they are over the age of sixty, have had chickenpox before their first birthday, and have a weakened immune system.

Common causes for the activation of this dormant virus may include stress, a deficiency in the immune system, and cancer. These, however, are not definitive as the true cause of virus activation is not yet found. Because of this, all individuals who have had chickenpox are candidates for contracting this disease.


Antiviral medication is often prescribed by doctors as treatment for shingles. It helps in pain reduction and minimizes the risk of further complications such as temporary blindness or infections. Some anti-inflammatory medications are also given for prolonged pain and continued swelling. To help the medication, the patient can apply cold wet compress to soothe the pain. Lotions such as calamine may relieve itchiness and provide comfort. Affected areas should be cleaned regularly to prevent infection.

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