Weight Loss Tips - Best Foods To Eat For Weight Loss

By Ava Rise

By far the most important thing you can do to help you reach your weight loss goals is to get your diet right. Surprisingly, eating the right things is not just about avoiding high fat foods. Many foods will actually help to accelerate your fat loss. So most of my best weight loss tips are about including certain foods into your diet and these are the best weight loss foods to eat to increase your weight loss.

Nice Nuts - Nuts are traditionally avoided by dieters due to their high fat content. However, research suggests that it is not that straightforward. Despite their high fat content, nuts may in fact assist weight loss through other weight loss promoting properties. According to a review study published in the Journal of Nutrition (138:1741S-1745S, 2008), nuts are associated with a lower body fat. Also, when subjects add nuts to their diet, it did NOT cause weight gain Some research also found that it was easier for people to stick to a diet when nuts were in their meal plan. The researchers believe that nuts help fill you up (thanks to the fiber) and it's possible that not all of the calories from nuts are absorbed into your body.

Eggstatic ABout Eggs! - Researchers from Louisiana State University in the U.S. looked at the eating habits of a group of overweight and obese women. The women, who were following a low-fat diet, were asked to eat either two eggs a day for breakfast, or have a bagel. The two meals contained the same number of calories and weighed roughly the same amount. However, after eight weeks of breakfasting, the slimmers who had eaten eggs had lost the most weight. As well as shedding 65 per cent more pounds than the bagel eaters, they had lost almost twice as many inches from their waistline. Previous research showed that those who ate eggs for breakfast felt fuller for longer than those who had a bagel and cheese. As a result, they ate less during the rest of the day. It is not completely clear why eggs are so good at making us feel full but it is thought their high protein content could play a large part. Researcher Dr Nikhil Dhurandhar, an obesity expert, said: "The resulting decrease in energy consumption lasted for at least 24 hours after the egg breakfast."

Eat More Mushrooms! - In another study, it was found that volunteers who had mushrooms rather than meat in four otherwise identical meals a week shed almost 13lbs (6kg) over five weeks, with one losing 1.5 stone (9.5kg). The study also found that one man and nine women, aged between 25 and 61, shed a total of 127lbs (57.6kg) over the course of the trial. In another recent trial, Margaret Hill, a 25-year-old mother-of-two from Dagenham in Essex, went from 13st 6lbs to 11st 1lb. "I was amazed by my weight loss - it's the most I have ever managed to lose. I never thought I'd get my body back after I had my kids so I am over the moon. I look and feel fantastic," the Telegraph quoted Hill, as saying. Sarah Schenker, the dietician who led that trial, said: "Mushrooms make a fantastic low-density meat substitute and can assist dieters without them having to radically change their eating patterns. Mushrooms are also great value for money.

Yes to Yogurt! - Researchers at the University of Tennessee, United States of America, found that obese adults, who ate three servings of fat-free yoghurt a day as part of a reduced calorie diet, lost 22 per cent more weight and 61 per cent more body fat than those who simply cut calories. Yoghurt eaters also lost 81 per cent more fat in the stomach area than non-yoghurt eaters. "Not only did yoghurt help the study participants lose more weight -- the average weight loss was 14 pounds (6.8 kilos) -- they were about twice as effective at maintaining lean muscle mass," said lead researcher Michael Zemel. Yoghurt goes very well with meat based dishes, curries, chillis and casseroles. By adding yogurt to these often higher fat meals, you are reducing the overall fat density of the meal, meaning that by the time you are full, you will have consumed fewer calories.

Drink Milk Instead of Fruit Juice - If you fancy grabbing a drink on the run, try and pick up a milk shake instead of a fruit juice. In a recent study, australian scientists found overweight people who downed about 2 1/2 cups of skim milk in the morning consumed 8.5 percent fewer calories at an all-you-can-eat lunch spread than people who drank the same amount of fruit juice. This is because milk is a drink which contains protein, fruit juices don't contain any protein.

Eat More Beans - Scientists found that people who consumed beans were 23 percent less likely to have large waists than those who said they never ate them. Legumes are rich in belly-filling fiber, filling you up for very few calories.

Eat Your Apples! - Penn State researchers discovered that people who ate a large apple 15 minutes before lunch took in 187 fewer calories during lunch than those who didn't snack beforehand. (The apples had around 128 calories.) They reported feeling fuller afterward, too. Apples are the best craving busters, when you are craving something sweet or just want to grab something , without having to prepare anything. Crunch down a couple of apples and there won't be any room for such baddies as chocolate and crisps and you'll find the craving has mercifully been banished.

These are my best weight loss tips for the best foods to include in your diet to help you reach your weight loss goals faster or even for the first time to actually reach the weight loss goals which can prove so elusive.

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