Remote viewing is the psychic ability that pertains to the ability to see places, people, and objects that are not within the range of the outer five senses. This means you wouldn't be able to see or hear it by natural means, but your own innate psychic ability can be trained to perceive things without you needing to be there in person.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that remote viewing is the same as an out-of-body experience, because it isn't. Out-of-body (Astral travel) experiences are spiritual, not physical, when viewing a place or event. But anyone can successful take part in remote viewing training.
The ability to do remote viewing is the psychic power where an individual can search for a person or object. An individual who has developed this ability, of psychic viewing, uses a form of ESP to enable him or her to locate what they are looking for.
This form of psychic ability is latent in all humans and has never been developed while we were young. It is also true that most of us use only ten percent of our brain capacity and that leaves the other ninety percent unused, dormant and untrained. And we have no clue what to do with it.
Imagine the possibilities. You could reach out to your children and see that they are safe, even in public places. The peace of mind and the security that comes with the ability to remote viewing and all the benefits, priceless.
What makes remote viewing different to other forms of psychic abilities is that anyone can learn how to do it. Studies on many non-psychic people have shown that once these people had been taught to enter into a sufficient trance-like state, they were able to engage in remote viewing with high levels of accuracy.
Here are some simple remote viewing training techniques you can try on your own:
1. Sit in a comfortable, quiet place and close your eyes. Clear of any and all distractions before you start.
2. As you relax, breath deeply through your nose. By breathing this way you may find control easier if you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This will also control the tendency to yawn when you are in this phase.
3. Belief is a key element in your remote viewing success rate. As you descend deeper into your relaxed state, you need to believe that you are capable of seeing people, events, or places that you've never physically seen.
4. Your remote viewing training can begin with you choosing a simple target to show your mind that you are capable of achieving this kind of psychic seeking. Perhaps begin by viewing yourself from a place in front of you, as though you were looking back at your relaxed body as you sit there through a mirror. It can be a little difficult at first to allow your mind to view yourself from an opposite perspective, but be patient. When you do see yourself from the angle that others see you, you'll be in for a wonderful surprise.
5. Once you have mastered the needed mental control to remotely view yourself, project your remote view eye a wider distance. Observe a place you are familiar with. Maybe a family members or parents home will do during the training of your mind. Look for things out of place, small things. Like a magazine on a table or dishes in the kitchen sink. When you have the opportunity, call and confirm what you have seen. This reinforcement is important. It shows you what your mind is really cable of achieving.
It is possible to amend these remote viewing training exercises to include two people so that you'll have your feedback and results much more quickly. Instead of viewing places or people you want to see, have a friend sit in another room and repeat a simple movement, like a hand wave or pulling hair. Try to determine through your remote viewing exercises what action your friend is repeating and compare notes to get your results.
Having spent time with the techniques of remote viewing practice training and with these techniques you may find it will be quicker and easier to project yourself into a relaxed state. A state similar to the hypnosis trance-like state of relaxation. Even though they are fully conscious the body is relaxed enough to access the subconscious mind.
Human psychic abilities are easily accessible through the subconscious mind. The more you continue to practice your remote viewing training techniques the easier it will be and the better you will become.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that remote viewing is the same as an out-of-body experience, because it isn't. Out-of-body (Astral travel) experiences are spiritual, not physical, when viewing a place or event. But anyone can successful take part in remote viewing training.
The ability to do remote viewing is the psychic power where an individual can search for a person or object. An individual who has developed this ability, of psychic viewing, uses a form of ESP to enable him or her to locate what they are looking for.
This form of psychic ability is latent in all humans and has never been developed while we were young. It is also true that most of us use only ten percent of our brain capacity and that leaves the other ninety percent unused, dormant and untrained. And we have no clue what to do with it.
Imagine the possibilities. You could reach out to your children and see that they are safe, even in public places. The peace of mind and the security that comes with the ability to remote viewing and all the benefits, priceless.
What makes remote viewing different to other forms of psychic abilities is that anyone can learn how to do it. Studies on many non-psychic people have shown that once these people had been taught to enter into a sufficient trance-like state, they were able to engage in remote viewing with high levels of accuracy.
Here are some simple remote viewing training techniques you can try on your own:
1. Sit in a comfortable, quiet place and close your eyes. Clear of any and all distractions before you start.
2. As you relax, breath deeply through your nose. By breathing this way you may find control easier if you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This will also control the tendency to yawn when you are in this phase.
3. Belief is a key element in your remote viewing success rate. As you descend deeper into your relaxed state, you need to believe that you are capable of seeing people, events, or places that you've never physically seen.
4. Your remote viewing training can begin with you choosing a simple target to show your mind that you are capable of achieving this kind of psychic seeking. Perhaps begin by viewing yourself from a place in front of you, as though you were looking back at your relaxed body as you sit there through a mirror. It can be a little difficult at first to allow your mind to view yourself from an opposite perspective, but be patient. When you do see yourself from the angle that others see you, you'll be in for a wonderful surprise.
5. Once you have mastered the needed mental control to remotely view yourself, project your remote view eye a wider distance. Observe a place you are familiar with. Maybe a family members or parents home will do during the training of your mind. Look for things out of place, small things. Like a magazine on a table or dishes in the kitchen sink. When you have the opportunity, call and confirm what you have seen. This reinforcement is important. It shows you what your mind is really cable of achieving.
It is possible to amend these remote viewing training exercises to include two people so that you'll have your feedback and results much more quickly. Instead of viewing places or people you want to see, have a friend sit in another room and repeat a simple movement, like a hand wave or pulling hair. Try to determine through your remote viewing exercises what action your friend is repeating and compare notes to get your results.
Having spent time with the techniques of remote viewing practice training and with these techniques you may find it will be quicker and easier to project yourself into a relaxed state. A state similar to the hypnosis trance-like state of relaxation. Even though they are fully conscious the body is relaxed enough to access the subconscious mind.
Human psychic abilities are easily accessible through the subconscious mind. The more you continue to practice your remote viewing training techniques the easier it will be and the better you will become.
About the Author:
The author Allan Brooks is a writer for the popular site. Discover for yourself how easy it is to learn the remote viewing training. Discover previously undisclosed information. Anyone really can learn remote viewing all will be revealed when you visit here to receive twenty nine free remote viewing mp3 audios!
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