Three Things You Have To Do To Study From Martial Arts DVDs

By Al Case

Some people might not want you to know this, but it is pretty darned easy to learn good karate or kenpo, or whatever combat art you wish to study, from Martial Arts DVDs. You can study hard core self defense, fighting taekwondo, classical gong fu fighting moves. You can learn just about any fighting art there is, and there are judo dvds, taekwondo DVDs, you can even consider martial arts DVD rental!

Before you purchase that Kung Fu training DVD and start doing the Randy Couture all over the place, there are three things that you absolutely must do. It really is critical, and your success or failure will hinge upon these three things. Indeed, without doing these three items you might just as well give up your martial arts DVD training.

The first thing you have to do, and this is so basic that everybody knows it, is you need a place to train. You might not have a Shotokan training dojo, or a taekwondo dojang, or a Kung Fu kwoon, you must conduct yourself as if you do. You have to select a place in which to train and really make it look like a first class fighting dojo.

You need to clear out the mess, not just pile it in the corners, because you are going to want to hang shiny kung fu weapons on the walls. You are going to have to check the stability of the rafters, because you are going to want to hang a kicking bag and not knock down the ceiling! You are going to want about 15 by 15 of good condition floor, because you want to be able to execute Choy Lay Fut patterns or concentrate on your shotokan karate kata DVD without running into objects or stepping on anything.

The second thing you will need to have is a good slice of time. I know this sounds silly, but industry survives, people learn things in school, everything on the planet runs by being in the right place at the correct time. So you are going to need to set aside a couple of hours on regular days, whenever you plan to train, and you are going to have to never miss an appointment!

Your wife wants you to take her to the! The kids are going to have to entertain themselves. And turn that darn cellphone ringer off!

Now, you have the time and the place, and one would assume you have the latest and greatest martial arts video training tape (my favorite is Matrix was inexpensive, but the data on it was worth ten tapes), and you must not forget...your partner! You need to have somebody who is willing to do the sweat, put in the time, make the appointment, and wants to have a blast! In a way, your martial arts training partner is the most important thing of all, because without a real body to practice your kung fu techniques on it just won't get real!

Now, you know what you have to do, and I want to say one thing: past the cost of cleaning your garage and a few Parker Kenpo videos, this is virtually free martial arts training. You go at your own pace, no one to jack you up or slow you down. And that's my recommendation for how to learn from Martial Arts DVDs.

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