How To Punch Out Acne Scars With Punch Surgeries

By Tiens Muller

This strategy of surgically repairing acne scars is used on deep scars such as icepick and deep boxcar scars. Punch Excision

This technique uses a punch biopsy tool which is basically a round, sharp "cookie-cutter" tool that comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm. A particular instrument is chosen to be very slightly larger than the scar - this ensures the wall of the scar is removed as well. Using a local anesthetic, the surgeon cuts out the scar and then sews the edges together. The newly produced scar eventually fades and may not be noticeable. If it is noticeable, it is more amenable now to resurfacing techniques.

Punch Excision with Skin Graft Replacement

With this method the scar is excised with the punch device as above. The difference being, that as opposed to sewing the wound closed, a small skin graft is put in place. The skin is most often taken from behind the ear. A texture and color difference may be noticeable, but further resurfacing techniques may be used to correct that.

Punch Elevation

This method of surgically correcting acne scars is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. The biopsy tool is used to cut out the normal looking base, leaving the walls intact. The base is then raised to the same level as the rest of the skin, and attached to the walls of the scar with sutures, steri-strips or a special skin glue called Dermabond. Surgeons generally prefer to use the glue when possible, as it scars much less than stitches. Reuse of the naturally occurring skin also lessens any differences in color and texture.

Costs, Results And Side Effects

As a surgical procedure, however small, punches are known to leave scars behind but with a more controlled healing process, the less acute scars can show better skin aesthetics. As in most surgical process for scar removal, punches could take several seeks for the punched or grafted skin to heal. The time it takes to recover will depend on both the extent of the surgery and the speed of the healing process. Your dermatologist will routinely prescribe the right medicinal ointment after the punch surgery.

Depending on the extent of the punches required, the doctor who performs the surgery and the location where the surgery is performed, punch scar removal costs will vary. As a general rule, each punch would cost in the neighborhood of $50. This affordability makes it one of the most popular methods for getting rid of pits or ice pick scars. But just like any surgical process, it carries risks. When performed by a good doctor, and with post operative medication and care, it is an extremely safe procedure.

So, now you know about punch surgeries. "Knowing is half the battle"!

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