There's been no shortage of coverage lately regarding the health benefits of Vitamin D. And there are many reasons for it. Many times we eat certain foods or take vitamin supplements because we're told to, not really sure what it's doing for us or feeling really different because of it, but we continue doing it anyway. But with Vitamin D, when you're deficient it's fairly obvious...or more commonly, once you start getting enough you'll realize what you were missing. With all the talk about the need for Vitamin D and the symptoms involved if your intake is too low, I'd like to go over briefly specifically what Vitamin D deficiency treatment encompasses and the three types of Vitamin D sources.
The quick answer is easy enough. Simply put, you need to increase your Vitamin D levels are too low. When you do, you'll be addressing a number of issues that include avoiding and dealing with many auto-immune disorders, a long list of types of cancer, and even the common cold. So, what are the Vitamin D sources, and far more significantly, what are the very best ones?
Vitamin D from the Sun
Depending on the climate where you live and the time of year, one of the best sources of Vitamin D is to just get outside and get some sunshine.What you're getting from the sun that is helpful are its ultra-violet B (UVB) rays. Your body takes these rays and makes Vitamin D3 out of them.
Most people are concerned about the link relating to the skin being exposed to solar UV rays and skin cancer. Because of this many people do not find this particular Vitamin D source to be very appealing. There is also the often unintentional consequence of getting too much sun when you lose track of time. While these worries are certainly valid, small doses of controlled exposure are very rewarding. Go ahead and roll up your sleeves, go for a stopwatch instead of sunblock, and take a nice 15-minute walk outside a cloudless day. You'll come back happy and feeling good.
Vitamin D Foods
Vitamin D food sources exist though they are fairly limited. Egg yolks, fish oil, beef liver, and wild-caught oily fish are the only major sources of Vitamin D from food. A few types of some oily fish are salmon, tuna, blue fish, and mackerel. When you think about it, this fact is very interesting regardless if you lean towards the idea of divine creation or evolution. Sun exposure on its own can be adequate for those living near the equator to get all of the Vitamin D they need. As humans moved further north and settled in locations that can go up to six months without any sunshine at all, having no Vitamin D could impose substantial risks to their health. These cultures traditionally have eaten a diet almost entirely focused on fish, and in particular, the fish that naturally carry large amounts of Vitamin D. So for these peoples, the needed levels of Vitamin D that weren't available from the sun were instead replaced by naturally occurring food sources.
However, because of the way we typically eat these days, it is rarely possible if not impossible to get enough Vitamin D from foods, making it improbable these Vitamin D sources could be used exclusively.
Supplementing Vitamin D
I highly recommend this Vitamin D deficiency treatment, because even if you aren't averse to eating egg yolks, fish or beef liver, you're still unlikely to get enough of the Vitamin D3 you need from dietary sources alone (though I urge you to get what you can from clean, whole foods).
As a reliable Vitamin D deficiency treatment, take a high quality Vitamin D3 supplement. I like the one I use because the company encapsulates it with wild-caught salmon oil so it combines a dietary source with the supplement in addition.
The quick answer is easy enough. Simply put, you need to increase your Vitamin D levels are too low. When you do, you'll be addressing a number of issues that include avoiding and dealing with many auto-immune disorders, a long list of types of cancer, and even the common cold. So, what are the Vitamin D sources, and far more significantly, what are the very best ones?
Vitamin D from the Sun
Depending on the climate where you live and the time of year, one of the best sources of Vitamin D is to just get outside and get some sunshine.What you're getting from the sun that is helpful are its ultra-violet B (UVB) rays. Your body takes these rays and makes Vitamin D3 out of them.
Most people are concerned about the link relating to the skin being exposed to solar UV rays and skin cancer. Because of this many people do not find this particular Vitamin D source to be very appealing. There is also the often unintentional consequence of getting too much sun when you lose track of time. While these worries are certainly valid, small doses of controlled exposure are very rewarding. Go ahead and roll up your sleeves, go for a stopwatch instead of sunblock, and take a nice 15-minute walk outside a cloudless day. You'll come back happy and feeling good.
Vitamin D Foods
Vitamin D food sources exist though they are fairly limited. Egg yolks, fish oil, beef liver, and wild-caught oily fish are the only major sources of Vitamin D from food. A few types of some oily fish are salmon, tuna, blue fish, and mackerel. When you think about it, this fact is very interesting regardless if you lean towards the idea of divine creation or evolution. Sun exposure on its own can be adequate for those living near the equator to get all of the Vitamin D they need. As humans moved further north and settled in locations that can go up to six months without any sunshine at all, having no Vitamin D could impose substantial risks to their health. These cultures traditionally have eaten a diet almost entirely focused on fish, and in particular, the fish that naturally carry large amounts of Vitamin D. So for these peoples, the needed levels of Vitamin D that weren't available from the sun were instead replaced by naturally occurring food sources.
However, because of the way we typically eat these days, it is rarely possible if not impossible to get enough Vitamin D from foods, making it improbable these Vitamin D sources could be used exclusively.
Supplementing Vitamin D
I highly recommend this Vitamin D deficiency treatment, because even if you aren't averse to eating egg yolks, fish or beef liver, you're still unlikely to get enough of the Vitamin D3 you need from dietary sources alone (though I urge you to get what you can from clean, whole foods).
As a reliable Vitamin D deficiency treatment, take a high quality Vitamin D3 supplement. I like the one I use because the company encapsulates it with wild-caught salmon oil so it combines a dietary source with the supplement in addition.
About the Author:
The importance of Vitamin D is difficult to overstate. You'd be smart to find out more on its importance and the sources of this valuable vitamin, including Vitamin D foods and supplements.
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